Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Right, so here goes.....Holidays have started which is like the most biggest relief I have got since the past two weeks and as much as I hate to say it, I'm bored. Yes, I have many millions of things to do which include enjoying being bored but unfortunately some pig heads wish to continue with their tutions and even bigger pig heads wish to kill us with projects.
Would anyone live to write more than 600 words in hindi about how great our nation is and how beautiful it is and some shitty stories about it?? No, it does'nt end there. You will have to sit and learn up the whole thing and produce it in a matter of 1 and a half hours. And they did the biggest favour to us by letting us make the 'cover page' at home. I dont even need to ask if anyone will live.
And yes, our carefree wonderfull days have seemed to be gone and now all we live with is......not many carefree days.

Monday, October 16, 2006

This is in compliance with an arcticle I read in Time Magazine.
I didn't mean that to sound all stuck up and crappy, you know, like, 'This is in compliance with an article I read in Time Magazine', all hosh-posh like, so I'm sorry if it sounded that way.
I couldn't post this in my regular blog, because that is reserved for posts about myself (ahem. Hint, Priyal).
Yea, so I was reading this the other day, you know, when you have nothing better to do, and the flush in the loo isn't working properly so you can't play Oceans and so you're bored and then, there it is, lying on the coffee table (only I don't own a coffee table, but whatever), gleaming in the afternoon sun, the lastest issue of Time Magazine. This was some time ago, by the way, the issue before the Great Release.
The Great Release I'm talking about is the release of Star Wars Episode Three: The Revenge of the Sith, and the article in Time, like everything else that happened in that century, was based on it.
Well, actually, it was about some gay guy (no, he was actually gay, as in homosexual) talking about his childhood and how he grew up with Star Wars and now it was all going to be over, boohoo sob sob.
Now, I'm an absolute Star Wars nut myself, and to tell you the truth, I was one of the geeks who burst into tears as the end credits began to roll, because, damn it, that was going to be the last Star Wars movie I was going to see for the first time. I don't pretend to have liked the prequels, they sucked, completely, but the last one was brilliant in a highly sadistic Bollywood movie sort of way.
And saying that makes me think of Harry Potter and the Last Book (whatever its going to be called) which is scheduled to release next year, and ends Harry's dramatic almost-decade in our lives.
What I'm trying to get at here, is how one man/womans fantasy enticed millions of children around the world, drove them to obsession, and even managed to make people like me, who never cry, weep like a baby.

There was a time in my life when I was Sith, and I'd go about with my cousin Kunal and he'd have the red lightsaber, and me, the pink one with frilly white bows and flourescent green Smileys (I did that for fun, I hold no fondness for the look itself) and we'd duel. Or we'd duel Potter-Malfoy style, all 'Sectumsempra' and 'Avada Kedavra' and 'Wingardium Leviosa' jazz.

I look back on those days gone past, the days of freedom, innocence, and energy, the days where everything was wonderfully exciting, the days of my youth, and feel like a complete moron, but there is a bit of me that sort of pines for it.

Okay, so it WASN'T in compliance with an article in Time Magazine, I DID just use that line to sound all stuckup and hosh-posh, deal with it.